Dr Magarey ENT Surgeon visits Nepal

Dr Magarey is in Nepal where he has visited the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital. He joined the ENT department for grand rounds, outpatient clinics and observed the operating theatres.

Matthew also addressed the Society of Otolaryngologists of Nepal as the guest speaker at their AGM and Education evening. He gave a well received lecture on the latest guidelines for thyroid cancer from the ATA (American Thyroid Association), and also presented on the management of recurrent thyroid cancer.

Throat cancer on the rise

Throat cancer on the rise

The sexual revolution is producing a new wave of throat and tongue cancers among middle-aged people, who are falling victim to a rare side effect of the "common cold of sexually transmitted infections".

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/national/health/throat-and-tongue-cancers-linked-to-sexually-transmitted-virus-on-the-rise-20151013-gk80xp#ixzz3pIKW0akY 
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